Monday, July 14, 2008

Adam Kokesh Breaks It Down

- Episode 1 -
A Different Way of Looking at Politics


lightbringer said...

Mr. Kokesh,
I enjoyed todays lesson though I have two minor complaints about your class. First, could you bring the board closer because I had a hard time seeing. And second, could you tell that boy in the back of the class to turn his ipod down, it was hard to hear you...


Anonymous said...

I'd take your class anyday ;)...
Seriously, this is a good way of looking at it, I'm sick of all the left vs. right bulls@*t that our media especially loves to use as a way of separating us and keeping people at odds with each other. Instead, the real political question should be whether we want to head towards a more fascist country or a more free country, and which political candidates(if any, besides Ron Paul) can help to get us there.
Liberty vs. fascism, instead of left vs. right is a better way of looking at it, and gets closer to the heart of the matter.


Anonymous said...

You work out? ... Nice tank

Your organized information was solid, and I liked the way you toyed with the info as you explain... but, the music was way too in the way. I didn't know if I should dance with you or get educated by you. Educate me more on these things, I have been living under a rock.

Anonymous said...

Look at you Professor Kokesh!

That was really intriguing and I definitely need to revisit it later. It is absolutely time, though, to start looking at all of this from a different perspective, angle, etc. Well, not only looking at it, but acting on it as well. Very cool...


Anonymous said...

Nice bro.. Shit was on the money... First thing we need to do, is disconnect ourselves from the media. As hard as it is. We need to. That's one way to get them out of our subcontious minds. They understand the key to human programing. (earl nightengale and napolean Hill)

Anonymous said...

Hello Adam,
Several weeks ago I looked at the video you have on this section. I remembered taking "The Political Compass" when a friend sent me a link about 8 years ago. I found a site similar, took the quiz, and then clicked on the page about USA 2008 elections. I found the graphics quite interesting. (I am a Ganhdi, for your information.) I was not surprised to see Ron Paul on the extreme right of the economics issues. You can click on links from this page to retake the test to see if it is consistent with one you have taken before. Here is the URL.

I think your readers may enjoy taking the test and finding where they are on the political scale.

You are a good guy, mate. I hope you are doing well and the need for Xanax has passed. Peace, dp