Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Day In Court

In the interest of being on the same page as the rest of the Hempstead 15, since we have all been split up to different dates for the next round of hearings, I allowed the attorney who is representing everyone else to represent me today. His name is Jonathan Moore and he has taken on the Nassau County Horse Mounted Unit before and he is doing a great job so far. He will also most likely be representing Nick Morgan and maybe a few others in a civil case. We were ready for trial today, but the prosecution was not. However, the DA was taking our cases on full force.

In requesting that I be released on my own recognizance (or ROR as everyone else had been) so I could get my bail money returned, my attorney was told by the prosecutor that he would like to have my bail raised! The judge declined, but that would have put me in jail again until I could get bail posted at the raised amount. The judge also declined Mr. Moore's motion to dismiss, or take an ACD, adjourn in contemplation of dismissal. The prosecutor conferred with the police officer who would be testifying, and came up with a date to schedule the trial. So trial is now scheduled for 9:30 AM on December 11th. For reasons I can't discuss, we are very excited about this going to trial. Thanks to those who came out in support this morning and wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

What exactly are they charging you with?

Ryan Hile said...

Well congrats dude! Sort of. lol. It sounds like the judge is slightly amenable to using rational thought. I can't imagine why you are excited to have another court date but I hope you make it a PR scandal they never forget. Thanks for keeping us all informed. :)

Anonymous said...

God bless you all. I cannot imagine why they wouldn't want to make this go away immediately. However, I don't know how they even came up with charges to bring. They are only proving what fascists they are and I hope this will get some positive press, at least from the locals. Clearly the MSM national news venues will suppress the entire thing.

Anonymous said...

The fact the our liberties were literally trampled is cause for fight. thank you Adam. I will be sending you money shortly.

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting the good fight!

lightbringer said...

you got more trials than a soap opera star...

Good luck ^_^

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you, Adam. Thank you for fighting!

Nnater @ C4L

Anonymous said...

Hello Adam,

Can you release the Prosecuting attorneys or DA's identity and/or contact information?

Judging by the support you've received, I'm assuming they would hear an earful if that information were available.

Anonymous said...

My heart is with you all!

Does anyone know if Adam Kokesh will be making any speeches in Washington for the END the FED event?

Anonymous said...

Keep up the fight. The Hempstead 15, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail. See you on the 11th!!!

Stephanie said...

Air high-five to you! :) You have a nice big smile on your face in that picture ... I hope your spirits match that!

So, so, sooooo glad to be on the same side as you guys. I am honored and humbled to have such character to stay encouraged by, continuing to push forward for truth and justice in this world.

Such a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in, in this day and age where yesterday's heroes are treated with such disrespect. I don't know how the haters/liars/thieving bastards even look themselves in the mirror each day.

Keep it up, keep us posted and you know you are in the thoughts and prayers of people worldwide!


DC said...


Thank you for taking a stand for the Constitution and liberty. It is people like you who will turn this into a true revolution that provokes thoughtful education concerning the dire state of our country.

Thanks again!

-David Carlson
David Carlson Politics

Anonymous said...

From one Marine to another I want to say I am proud to be your brother. This Revolution needed a patriot like you and the others to get the ball rolling. You jumped into the fire, and I hope it will cause others to be brave enough to. Semper Fi, brother. Keep kicking ass!! I will send you al healthy donation very soon.

Anonymous said...

The DC CodePink activism is the work of true patriots. Congrats and thank you for doing this good work while most of the nation sleeps...

- RP CFL Supporter

Anonymous said...

standing on principle will allow you to stand up eternally against any person who holds no moral obligation.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Our prayers are with you. Peace

Anonymous said...

That's my Birthday!
good luck man!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Adam and the 15, no doubt you will get off for you didn't do anything wrong.
I know some what of what you guys are going through because i been their to for protesting, the police and prosecution will try to sucker you and make you fail your bail and don't let your lawyer plea bargain just in case its a con.
Your UK friends.