Monday, January 1, 2001

Adam Kokesh On Tour

So the days of "touring" are over for now. I hope. I am in the process of getting settled in Santa Fe so I will have more time to write and get my book published.

The last couple of months have been ridiculous. I moved to Santa Fe from DC the day after the inauguration and took five days to do it, meeting lots of very cool people along the way. After spending a week moving in, I found that I wasn't going to be able to stay in the house I had just spent a week setting up. Then I drove to LA to catch a flight to Costa Rica where I got to do some plotting and scheming with Don Rasmussen, meet Otto Guevara, and spend a weekend surfing in Esterillos. Then back to LA for a few days, drove to San Francisco for a meeting, then back down to Pebble Beach for my Mom's birthday on Valentine's day and to get the rest of my crap out of her basement. Then back to Santa Fe, followed by a week in Colorado and a week in Texas, then a nice little drive to DC. Then on to New Hampshire for the Liberty Forum. Then a week in Columbus getting ready for a week in DC to mark the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Then St. Louis for the first Campaign for Liberty regional convention, and now back to Santa Fe.

I will keep this updated for what it's worth. And as before: All times and dates are local and in military format. Yeah, get used to it.

090331 - 1830 - Confessions of an Anarchist Lawyer - The Forum at the College of Santa Fe

090402 - 1900 - Revolutionary Reading Book Club - 145 Washington Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501

090411 - 0715-0745 - Real News Radio with Brian Peek -

090414 - 0900-1030 - Ms. Kovari's Global Studies Class - (my little bro is in it!)

090425 - APA Conference in San Antonio - I will be the featured presenter on a panel about PTSD

Media Requests for Adam Kokesh

All media requests should be directed to adam dot kokesh at gmail dot com. Please be sure to include your name, outlet, the scope of and a description of your story, your deadline, and your contact information. For urgent media requests, please call (202) 506-6435.

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Book Adam Kokesh

Since getting out of the Marines, Adam Kokesh has been an outspoken member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. He served as a Sergeant on a Marine Corps Civil Affairs Team from February to September of 2004 in the Fallujah area. He was a reservist who volunteered to go to Iraq because he believed that we were going to clean up our mess and really do good by the Iraqi people. When he saw it for himself, he discovered that was not the case. Since getting out of the military, he has been working tirelessly for the three objectives of IVAW: an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces from Iraq, full benefits for returning veterans, and reparations for the Iraqi people.

In March 2008, hundreds of members of IVAW came together for the event Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan where dozens of veterans testified to their experiences to complete the picture for the American people with the hope that America will take ownership of what is being in all of our names. The soldiers serving in Iraq are serving honorably in a criminal situation, and most of them know that you can not win a crime. At Winter Soldier Adam testified about the Rules Of Engagement and how criminal it is to put American troops in "a situation where their morals as defined by the Rules Of Engagement are at odds with their survival instincts.

As we all know now, we were lied into this war and it is lies that are keeping us there. They lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction, they lied about Jessica Lynch, they lied about Pat Tillman, and they lied about Al Qaeda and Saddam. And those are just the lies we know about! But Adam knows we were lied to about Fallujah also. We have heard from the “Generals On The Ground,” who have made it clear that they care more about their careers than the truth. We have heard from this administration which has lied to us repeatedly. We have heard from politicians with their various agendas. But now it is time that America listen to the troops, especially those who have demonstrated that they are patriots, and not loyalists.

Since joining IVAW in February of 2007, Adam has been speaking out at every opportunity and leading the anti-war movement with an inspiring message that brings a unique credibility to this most pressing of debates. In addition to testifying at Winter Soldier, he has spoken at numerous IVAW events, sold out concerts, in front of college and high school classes, on CNN, Fox News, ABC, and at rallies in front of as many as 100,000 people.

To book an event with Adam, please email adam dot kokesh at gmail dot com.