From: Tim Date: Jun 4, 2007 11:13 PM
I read some of your blogs. I don't have a problem with you. Although, I have one question. Do you consider the consider the consequences of withdrawal from Iraq? We can get all poetic and talk about conundrums and quagmires all day long because ultimately that's what this is. Sadly I do believe the situation has gotten to a point where we have no choice but to stay for an unfortunately substantial amount of time. I was disillusioned in the Marines long before I made it to Iraq. If Marines don't die in Iraq, it will be Iran, Korea, Lebanon, Liberia, Pakistan, Africa, Haiti, the Philippines, or just about any other volatile area on Earth. It's peace time that consequently lures young (usually underprivileged) men into the military and war time that washes them out. What you are doing is valiant but make no mistake, the atrocities of this war can not compare to those of the past and inevitably of those to come.
From: Adam Date: Jun 6, 2007 7:03 AM I agree, and in my research about Vietnam, I have come to the conclusion that we fought in a little pussy war by comparison. And I do realize that there may be dire consequences to pulling out, but last year, they said it would be bad if we pulled out, now they're saying it'll be really really bad if we pull out. But if we pull out next year, it'll be really really really bad. Every day we stay there we make more enemies. Immediate withdrawal isn't going to be easy, but it's the best option. Peace, Adam
You're probably right. Well, good luck. Thanks for taking a stance on something.
From: MP GUMBY Date: Jun 5, 2007 8:45 AM
Dear SGT,
My Name is PV2 ******** ****** and i am with the Oregon ARNG as an MP. When i read about what was has been happenning to you I was appauled and could not believe they would go through all this trouble when there are more imortant things such as keeping our guys safe over there and getting us home now. please add me as a friend. I have not gone over to Iraq yet but i am set to soon when the Washington State MPs return home. I have many friends over there now in all branches of the military and have heard the horrible stories. You have the right to do what you did and by taking off the insignia's you were not wearing a military uniform at that point. it would have been no different then someone going to a military surplus store and purchasing the same stuff and wearing that to a protest. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your great message. It's great to hear that someone in your position is capable of looking at the situation objectively and coming to their own conclusions. More importantly about my case, is that the UCMJ is not intended to apply to the inactive reserve and I plan to fight this all the way to preserve the rights of everyone who will ever spend time in the IRR. I hope that you will also find the courage to join our organization and maybe even resist in your own way. Check out And of course,
From: Edward ######### []
Sent: Tue 6/5/2007 1:04 AM
To: Kokesh, Adam
Subject: Been There Too
What the hell is wrong with you ? Did you even think what wearing your
uniform to an event like that does for the enemy ? You may not have wanted
this to happen but it supports they enemy just like all these antiwar
protests do, I served in Iraq twice and Afghanistan once and would go again
if needed, not because I love this war but it is my duty and because I like
you am a Marine and we were attacked and we are at war. Understand this, we
fight them there or here, either way this thing goes on and on until we win
or lose. Man up and do the right thing, we all lost friends, I am confused
sometimes brother but come on back and be a Marine and keep that BS out of
the papers and news for the sake of your brothers and sisters who continue
to be in harms way. If you need to talk write back but think very carefully
before you make a mistake that effects our Corps and Country, these
protesters will use you and don't care about you, remember that Marine.
SSgt. B
You say we were attacked and are at war, but who attacked us? If you are referring to 9/11, the majority of the hijackers were Saudis. Wearing my uniform at an event representing a group that wants the US out of Iraq shows the enemy that not all of America is careless, racist, and aggressive. That's bad for their recruiting efforts. They recruit on the idea that all Americans hate all Muslims. We can try to show them otherwise. Yes, we fight them here or there, and that what my rationalization while I was there. "At least we're keeping the fight off American soil." But for every insurgent we kill today, there are two to kill the next day because of all the people we've pissed off in the process. People said if we left a year ago, it would be bad, and if we leave now, it will be really bad, but if we leave in a year, it will be really, really bad.
I am sure you are getting tons of e-mails, thanks for writing, and Iunderstand the frustration but I think you handled it wrong is all. I hatenegativity on the Corps and I am sure that is not what you wanted but boy itcame out like that. I guess we will see what the future holds, I don't knowwhat is right or wrong, when we should leave, etc... I do know that thiswill go on no matter what and it was coming no matter what and that is theirculture not ours.
Be well
As I've been telling people: In Kansas City, I stared down a corrupt element of this administration and they blinked first. Now, Iraq Veterans Against the War has the initiative. And just as we were taught in boot camp, when you have the initiative, you keep fighting. That’s what we’re going to do.So it's not about the Marine Corps, but rather a few corrupt elements, and I'm tying that to the administration. You can't deny there's at least some corruption there.
> As I am all for Freedom of speech and all you were still attached to
> the military even though you were inactive reserve. Even when I was
> inactive reserve I still was charged with following the rules of the
> USMJ. We all have our opinions about the Iraq conflict. I Served
> there as well with 1st tank btn during the start of the conflict. I may
> not see eye to eye with your idealisms I do however respect your
> feelings. HOWEVER devildog.. you should have waited to wave your flag
> of deceit for the government you swore to defend. We all have our
> ideas.. find a right time to voice them. Best of luck with the
> military courts.. With public opinion the way it is I am sure you will
> get a pass on this one.
> Ken Ishmael
Actually, there are three legal points on my side here. Your enlistment
contract says the rules (in wording that says all the rules) only apply
when active, training, or active reserve. Second, the 2nd article of the
UCMJ says it doesn't apply to IR. Third, a Supreme Court case. But
regardless of the legal considerations, the most important voices for or
against the occupation are the recently discharged vets. That is what
needs to be respected here.
From the Staff Sergeant who was my senior and mentor in Iraq:
The Corps will be something that we will love, and hate, for the rest of our lives. Your passion is without compare. I appreciate you and thank you for all you did for me over there. You truly had my back! I still pray for you daily. I am glad to see that you are pursuing you heart. It looks like you are staying fit too, I wonder if your bench press record still stands in Fallujah?
All The Best...