Friday, June 8, 2007

Pledge to Support IVAW and End the Occupation

Pledge to Support Iraq Veterans Against the War

and End the Occupation of Iraq

Given that the ongoing occupation of Iraq is a horrendous waste of life and money that make America less capable of defending itself,

And given that our democracy has failed to execute the will of the American people,

And given that it is now necessary for the people to stop the occupation,

I hereby solemnly swear to do the following:

I will not do anything other than pay taxes to support the occupation financially or economically.

If asked to support the occupation in the course of my employment I will refuse.

I will not transport goods or material that support the occupation.

If considering joining the military, I will not do so until all occupying forces are removed from Iraq, and will encourage others to do the same.

I make this pledge in good conscience, and out of my love for my country.


INSTRUCTIONS: To sign the pledge, simply add a comment to this post and include your name, occupation, employer, and whatever other information you deem appropriate.