Meet Fred Peterson:
Apparently, he scuffed his elbow while beating up on Carlos Arredondo.
I'm not even going to comment on this, but please note the use of the word "liberated."
From an anonymous poster at After Downing Street:
Cut and paste from the GOE forums.
From the pen of Fred Peterson:
I was leaving Capitol Grounds. The activity there had just about ended with the arrest of over 600 provocateurs and agents 'anti-war' of violence. There, we Eagles had organized teams of six men - mostly veterans- to protect the safety of Gold Star Moms (and Dads) from the physical threats and insults of hard-edge left socialists, Seattle anarchists, random lefty Raggamuffins and reflexive anti-Americans who made up the ANSWER Coalition …
My teams broke up at the Capitol, mission accomplished, and I was walking alone back to the Mall when I saw the photo-image of a proud young Marine in dress blues being held hostage in company not of his own choosing and affixed to a coffin not his own.
The insult to his honor and disrespect to his Corps and cause by his captors was immediately obvious and intended. These same peddlers of provocation are paid to push their coffin-prop all over the country they revile. They subvert a common will and undermine the cause and country for which this hostage-Marine had sacrificed his very life.
The captive Marine was not among his own. He was surrounded and outnumbered by those who shamelessly exploit his image and memory, disgrace his uniform, his brothers in arms, and his willing sacrifice. He would never choose such company. He needed a rescue…
I liberated his image from the midst of the hostile crowd, intending to replace it in a position of honor Arlington, where he would rest with heroes and among his own …I respectfully carried the image of the fallen Marine and was not opposed nor confronted in any way until I has walked perhaps 25 yards down the sidewalk. There, I was attacked without warning and tackled from behind by a demonstrator who crashed into my back at a full run. I went down forward, tearing pants knees and shirt sleeve and five separate wounds requiring hospital attention. The Marine's image, along with camera and sunglasses were smashed into the pavement. Before I could respond, six or so Eagles-vets were immediately pulling me away from the anti-war attacker.
Police Interviews were conducted and Eagles were asked if they wanted to prefer charges…No charges were filed by Eagles, who are unaccustomed to whining about minor injuries when they stand in defense of larger principles unappreciated - uncomprehended - by their attackers.
Two Gold Star Mothers who witnessed the entire episode and gave police statements said, "I am so proud of what you did! I wanted to do it myself …That coffin is such a disgrace to my son and all the others who have died to help others be free. Thank you so much! It made my day."
Well, actually, - those few precious words, from one who has given the full measure of issue from her own body to the defense ofour country, 'made my day' also …
Cut and paste from the GOE forums.
From the pen of Fred Peterson:
I was leaving Capitol Grounds. The activity there had just about ended with the arrest of over 600 provocateurs and agents 'anti-war' of violence. There, we Eagles had organized teams of six men - mostly veterans- to protect the safety of Gold Star Moms (and Dads) from the physical threats and insults of hard-edge left socialists, Seattle anarchists, random lefty Raggamuffins and reflexive anti-Americans who made up the ANSWER Coalition …
My teams broke up at the Capitol, mission accomplished, and I was walking alone back to the Mall when I saw the photo-image of a proud young Marine in dress blues being held hostage in company not of his own choosing and affixed to a coffin not his own.
The insult to his honor and disrespect to his Corps and cause by his captors was immediately obvious and intended. These same peddlers of provocation are paid to push their coffin-prop all over the country they revile. They subvert a common will and undermine the cause and country for which this hostage-Marine had sacrificed his very life.
The captive Marine was not among his own. He was surrounded and outnumbered by those who shamelessly exploit his image and memory, disgrace his uniform, his brothers in arms, and his willing sacrifice. He would never choose such company. He needed a rescue…
I liberated his image from the midst of the hostile crowd, intending to replace it in a position of honor Arlington, where he would rest with heroes and among his own …I respectfully carried the image of the fallen Marine and was not opposed nor confronted in any way until I has walked perhaps 25 yards down the sidewalk. There, I was attacked without warning and tackled from behind by a demonstrator who crashed into my back at a full run. I went down forward, tearing pants knees and shirt sleeve and five separate wounds requiring hospital attention. The Marine's image, along with camera and sunglasses were smashed into the pavement. Before I could respond, six or so Eagles-vets were immediately pulling me away from the anti-war attacker.
Police Interviews were conducted and Eagles were asked if they wanted to prefer charges…No charges were filed by Eagles, who are unaccustomed to whining about minor injuries when they stand in defense of larger principles unappreciated - uncomprehended - by their attackers.
Two Gold Star Mothers who witnessed the entire episode and gave police statements said, "I am so proud of what you did! I wanted to do it myself …That coffin is such a disgrace to my son and all the others who have died to help others be free. Thank you so much! It made my day."
Well, actually, - those few precious words, from one who has given the full measure of issue from her own body to the defense ofour country, 'made my day' also …
Let me get this straight. By wingnut logic, this guy didn't deserve to have a picture of his own son. So this thug, Peterson, decides to steal the picture, with about five other goons as backup?
Then he plays the martyr angle, when he gets tackled trying to make his getaway. And he claims to be noble for not going to court.
Am I reading this right?
Then he plays the martyr angle, when he gets tackled trying to make his getaway. And he claims to be noble for not going to court.
Am I reading this right?
Meet Asshole Number Two:
DC BrownShirt #2: ASSholes' BLOG MODERATOR "RORY"
Submitted by Matty on Wed, 2007-09-19 17:40.
Yes, I did take a look at that "must-read" thread - where I ALSO happened to notice the following "avatar" - the little, signature picture - for the following blogger who is their forum moderator:
LogOn: "SpockWasRight"
Does that pus look familiar; from the above pics of the assault on Arredondo? You be the judge:Here it is (left); scaled to more or less the same height as a headshot cropped from one of the above, Arredondo assault pics. Same nose, same style sunglasses, same (potato-) shaped head.
Who is this prick? Well, on his personal profile page he self-identifies as "RORY" FROM CONNECTICUT.
So this guy who assaulted Arredondo is obviously from within the inner circle of the Gathering of ASSholes; he is not just some random, pissed-off neighbor. And his (first) post above smacks of pure CIA-type psy-op - just exactly the kind of professional shit-stirring you'd expect from a spook with "extensive post military travel to and residence in some 23 different countries", as claimed in his profile.
This guy - and clearly, the leadership of the Gathering of DipShits - are TRUE, PAID PROVOCATEURS - precisely that which they accuse the protesters of being - except these people truly are from a government conspiracy - probably straight from the CIA itself.
"Rory"'s profile names his "Industry" as "Communications or Media". No fucking doubt! Why, here he is "communicating" in his preferred "medium" - attempted intimidation - in DC last Saturday:It's hard to know just exactly what he was screaming, but I daresay it couldn't have been much other than: "SOMEBODY PLEASE LOCK ME THE FUCK UP AS I AM A LUNATIC GOON, WORKING FOR A FUCKING LUNATIC GOVERNMENT!"
I take one look at this asshole and I say only this:

Submitted by Matty on Wed, 2007-09-19 17:40.
Yes, I did take a look at that "must-read" thread - where I ALSO happened to notice the following "avatar" - the little, signature picture - for the following blogger who is their forum moderator:
LogOn: "SpockWasRight"

Who is this prick? Well, on his personal profile page he self-identifies as "RORY" FROM CONNECTICUT.
So this guy who assaulted Arredondo is obviously from within the inner circle of the Gathering of ASSholes; he is not just some random, pissed-off neighbor. And his (first) post above smacks of pure CIA-type psy-op - just exactly the kind of professional shit-stirring you'd expect from a spook with "extensive post military travel to and residence in some 23 different countries", as claimed in his profile.
This guy - and clearly, the leadership of the Gathering of DipShits - are TRUE, PAID PROVOCATEURS - precisely that which they accuse the protesters of being - except these people truly are from a government conspiracy - probably straight from the CIA itself.
"Rory"'s profile names his "Industry" as "Communications or Media". No fucking doubt! Why, here he is "communicating" in his preferred "medium" - attempted intimidation - in DC last Saturday:It's hard to know just exactly what he was screaming, but I daresay it couldn't have been much other than: "SOMEBODY PLEASE LOCK ME THE FUCK UP AS I AM A LUNATIC GOON, WORKING FOR A FUCKING LUNATIC GOVERNMENT!"
I take one look at this asshole and I say only this:

Fortunately, an effort is under way to track down and hold these men accountable. Pray to whatever you believe in that they are brought to justice. And I don't just mean by a judge . . .
Great ID work!
Those whom support liberty at HOME, must understand that the judicial systems here in Capitol city are not our friends(14 year old boy shot by DCPD 10 days ago): 1994 Oslo Peace accord signing at the White House...standing on 17th St 2 blocks from the of JDL(Jewish Defense League) thugs attacked a small cadre of Palestinian students types who were carrying a flag...cops watched from across the street for 20 secs...broke up fight and arrested THE PALESTINIANS!
Those who join the "movement" must understand that we are our only friends!
There is a reason why the Black Panthers armed themeselves and also the Nation of Islam created the "Fruit of Islam":self defense!
The Establishment and there private intel-ops networks inside THIS country uses terror, and death if necessary to intimidate and silence dissent.
Long live the 2nd Ammendment
Spockwasright's name is Roger "Rory" Peterson, from New Britain CT.
I also have is phone number and address. As well as the names, email addresses and personal information of many of the Eagles.
You know where to find me.
I am pissed.
You tell em' Sarge! Thanks for taking the time to cover this..I have been in disbelief how he used the word "liberated." Sad. I blogged on the September 15 Rally and have some pics of Carlos.
Daughters of Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Do you *really* think that this Rory guy is engaged in CIA 'psy-ops'? Do you think he's employed by the Central Intelligence Agency? Does he get training from them on how to conduct these psychological operations? Is he given target blogs and forums in which to conduct his super secret covert deeds? Or do you and most people like you just like to throw around terms like psy-op, disinfo campaign, etc. because you think it makes you sound like you're living dangerously.
Do you really think the FBI is tracking you because you're such an important 'dissident'? Do they sit around a dark table with bibles in front of them wondering how they can possibly defeat the good and just Adam Kokesh who with sword and truth spreads peace and justice to mankind? Wow - you are so totally brave to post your whereabouts on your blog what with the government hating you so much and wanting you dead and all.
You want to know what a dis/misinformation campaign is? Its when people like you spread ridiculous bullshit about the CIA, the FBI (did you notice yuor biggest supporter 'lightbringer' believes that AIDS was a deliberately crafted government weapon used for 'genocide' against its own citizens?), the YAF, the military, etc. Seriously think about it for a moment - you consistently lie about your perceived enemy because its for a good cause and gradually you may even come to believe that anyone who dissents (ie disagrees with you) is a CIA operative or an agent of ZOG.
You're far more interested in feeling righteous than you are in the truth.
God! What a bunch of self-serving, ego-maniac brats. There is nothing wrong with America but you numnuts! Most of you idiots make comments about that which you know nothing may fool your mamas, but not mainstream America. GOE, Mr. Lightbringer,consist of Men, most of which are Nam vets such as myself. We could care less about you 'shitlist'. You call us Pro-War. Those that call us that are foolishly ignorant. Anyone that has been in combat could never be 'Pro-war'. ALL groups have their 'shit stirers'. Granted...our government has many problems. We all know that. We all don't want our shores to become a battlefield! But if it does, it will materialize out of our own citizens NOT uniting as one to defend our country, but tearing it down so that our doors are left open for the likes of Red China/North Korea to march right in! You people just don't get it! You want to end up speaking chinese and slaving under communistic rule or continue to be free! You have been free and spoiled all your lives, totally enjoying the freedoms that so many fought and died for and you don't give a shit! That's totally sad, you know that? I have held in my hands a dying Marine brother...yes,Mr. Kokesh, MARINE brother in Vietnam....and he died for his country only to have our government pull out, leaving the helpless Vietnameseto be slaughtered(MILLIONS!) by the North Vietnamese. That is the GOE not let that happen in Iraq so that the American servicemen will not have died in vain. You who sit on your pompous asses and enjoy the fruits that others died for and scorn those that died, I pity you!At the end of your life, what will you have to be proud of? your own self-rightousness! You will take that straight to hell will you.
Mr. Kokesh, you say you love the Marine Corps, but your actions show otherwise. You served honorably...why do you want to destroy that honor with these selfish actions today? Yes, I do not agree with you on the Iraq war, but I will defend your right to protest. But do it the RIGht WAY and take your punishment. After all, your obigation included as part of your COMMITMENT...Inactive Reserve time.
And that is still part of your military commitment that you sign up for on that dotted line. I am voicing my feelings and my commitment to our nation. I for one will fight again for our freedoms if I have to so that others will continue to enjoy all that this country provides. You lose that, then you will realize only too late what you HAD and then added to the terrible cause of losing it.
W.D. Smith
USMC 1963-1969
Dominican Republic Revolution 1965
Vietnam 1965-1966
A-Damned Koke-head! Amerikan pussy, commie, back stabbing traitor would be a better, (more accurate) banner, butt-boy!
REAL military HEROES, laugh at your self-righteous babble.
Come out of your pot-stupor long enough to get your facts straight before making claims that you know NOTHING about...pussy!
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