Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jason Mattera interviews Adam Kokesh at GWU

This was a fun discussion I had with Jason Mattera last night outside of the "Pray for Peace" event after Horowitz spoke across the street. I have never said that Horowitz shouldn't be allowed to speak, but it's funny that people have taken it that way. Horowitz's whole shtick is to say "the left does this," and "the left does that." He has said repeatedly that white conservatives are under attack on college campuses. He's right. I'm a white conservative. Ned Goodwin who helped put up the fliers is a white conservative. Horowitz, a former communist himself, has accused us of being communists, liberals, leftists, and moonbats. He has called for us to be expelled. Apparently, Horowitz is attacking white conservatives! Ironic, isn't it?


Truth Matters said...

Hey Adam,

Timothy McVeigh wasn't a Christian you moron...So we're still waiting for one example of "Christian facists" who are perpetuating violence and destruction the name of their religion...


Truth Matters said...

Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian...please stop pushing this myth that there are "Christian terrorists" akin to Al Qaeda.

Anonymous said...

Hi truth matters- ok, so he mispoke about McVeigh(I think he was more of an agnostic), the point is that there are Christians who are also fascists and we don't here the term Christo-fascist being thrown around like Islamo-fascist...
The problem is in the way Islamo-Fascism is being used to insight more hatred of a whole religion, otherwise, why not just say terrorist, because as one Muslim said, once a person acts violently in the name of Islam then they cease to be Muslim. So it seems that terrorist or simply fascist would be appropriate.

Furthermore, if you think that terroristic acts have not been done in the name of Christianity, then review history....does the Spanish Inquisition ring a bell?....Most would also agree that the Ku Klux Klan is another example, they have enacted terrorism and they have a Christian fundamentalist base. Here's another example, there is a group called the National Liberation Front of Tripura- a Christian based group- who in their desire to secede from India, purported many acts of terrorism against Hindus(2001-2002 I think). Point being that many acts that have been terroristic in nature have been perpetrated in the name of many religions.

I say that a terrorist is a terrorist, a fascist is a fascist. Once you act in force to violate my rights, I don't care in what religion's name you cry out in, you are simply a violent and immoral person....certainly not really in touch with your spiritual or religious side.


Anonymous said...

Truth, who hurt you? Adam, I accidently hit 'obj. con' last week, sorry 'bout that, damn handheld screen is way 2 small. You are the coolest, peace.

lightbringer said...

Webster defines terror: violence committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.
George Bush labels himself as a "christian"; he and the leaders of Congress(christians) have waged an unconstitutional(Article I sec 8.) "violent campaign" against a sovereign nation: IRAQ.
This terrorist action has led to the deaths of over 1,000,000 Iraqi's;if you include the genocidal sanctions of the Clinton years the number doubles to over 2,000,000
I would think this would qualify as "Christian terrorism"....
Though I doubt Jesus Christ would ever view the ruling class Establishment of this realm as followers of his!

Anonymous said...

Fuck'n brilliant, u are!

Anonymous said...

Was Timothy McVeigh a Muslim? Of course, he was a Christian! The militaristic fundamentalists who think in terms of black OR white are the same whether they are Chrisitian fundies, Muslim fundies or Jewish fundies. They believe they have the truth and everyone else is NOT chosen! They do not value THIS life ... always looking for things to better in another place and at another time.

It is very difficult "reasoning" with the fundamentalists. In fact, I have no doubt that they have never been people who have been logical. This is why they seem so easily swayed by emotions ... because their brains seem suggestable to non-rational emotion. I suppose if the emotion was JOY and PEACE, that would be great ... but sadly ... hate and anger seem more likely to resonate with this kind of world view.

We can only hope that the HOLY SPIRIT will enter the hearts of all and put and end to this human pattern of hate. What was once is again new. Pray for peace ... for all! dp