Thursday, November 6, 2008

Do as I say, not as I do.

An email from Casey J. Porter, currently in Iraq. He has an extraordinary YouTube channel and is an outspoken member of Iraq Veterans Against the War:

What do you do when the Chaplain doesn't even care? Not only is that a good question, it's one that I am asking myself right now. I have been having issues with a supervisor and the treatment of not only myself, but other Soldiers. She is a Staff Sergeant and is one of those "Do as I say, not as I do." types. I would attempt to feel sorry for her, since it is clear that she is very, very insecure. But you know what? I do not care. Let me say that again so everything is clear: I do not care. She sets rules and standards in play that she does not live up to, but then will break her own rules. She is so incompetent and unprofessional in every aspect of her job it becomes clear why she has stayed in the army for twenty years: She can't get away with the shit she pulls here in the real world. I got so mad at her yesterday that I threw my weapon across the room. I know that if I continue to become and stay this angry it will only get worse and I might end up doing something I regret. So last night I went to go see the Chaplain, a man that is supposed to help you. I walked into his office and let it all out about how NCO's treat their Soldiers like crap, Soldier's do not feel that they are not cared about, and how they are not, so on and so forth. You know what he told me? You can't do anything about it. I can only change how it affects me, change my attitude towards it. Wow gee wiz! That some swell advice, beaver! Why didn't he just tell me to go fuck myself? It would have been more honest. I told him how angry I got, I told him how these Soldiers are being pushed beyond their breaking point, and I got brushed aside. Hello! McFly! It's only when Soldiers start shooting their bosses, or killing themselves that the army does anything. However what they do is the absolute minimum, because guess what? They don't give a shit anything but getting ahead on the backs of Soldiers.

I have NO respect for the United States Army, the Corps of Non-Commissioned Officers, Officers, or any other branch, unit, creed, value, or mandate of ethics that comes from this army. There are some of you who will read that and be offended, but if I do not call you out by name, then don't be. Because I respect you for who you are, not the rank and title that you carry, or once carried.
The next time some civilian comes up to me and says "Thank you for what you do." I will reply with "Fuck you for what you don't do." because civilians are just as much to blame.

Casey J Porter

Oh, yeah, how could I forget! If you think this so some sign of giving up or breaking, think again. I have even more planed to expose this mess for what is, and put these people in the spot light for what they do. Keep fucking with me, see where it gets you. Oh and that's not a threat of violence "big army", so don't even try to pull that shit.


Stephanie said...

I don't know Adam, it sounds as if she could get a job, EASILY, in the Oil&Gas industry. (By the way, I'm GREAT at inappropriate humor ... it's one of my defense mechanisms).

Hold back your anger, as hard as it is. You are stronger and BETTER than you know; even if you can't recognize it within yourself. Maintain your composure, as you are a REAL man!

PTSD plays a HUGE part in your feelings/emotions, at least in my mind. I can't imagine what you are mentally going through. I don't know how you stood up dealing with the bullshit hand you have been dealt ... BUT you have. We all have a purpose in this world and you are living proof of that. You inspire me and I know I'm not the only one.

Don't hold the Chaplain at fault, he's right. You CAN'T change someone's behavior, as this is something I'm learning now. YOU and only YOU, have ultimate control of yourself and how you allow others' to affect YOUR life/feelings. I know, easier said than done, right?

You are a leader. You should be proud of yourself. I can't even imagine how proud your mom must be. I know how proud I would be to have you as my child even though we are like four years apart in age.

"Keep fucking with me, see where it gets you."

THIS is one of the main reasons I latched on to you. You have passion and convictions for what is right in this world. Gee, what a novel concept that is in today's world. You do not stand down from your principles because someone disagrees with you and/or tries to intimidate you.

You ... are awesome. You continue to motivate me to stand up for my beliefs. Please don't stop or I might threaten to take my own life! Okay, inappropriate humor again, sorry.


lightbringer said...

Proof once again that it is just a matter of time.
The "hope" is found in his spirit, a spirit destined to survive.
How many of us could be so valiant and so damned persistent: I like him!

Stephanie said...

I'm laughing at my own dense self right now because when I read this last night, I thought it was a story from you. CLEARLY, you stated that it was not your story. lol I was born a blonde but I haven't been one since I was little.

The words I typed are for the two of you. :)

*Crawls back to my own corner of the net now*

Anonymous said...

"Why didn't he just tell me to go fuck myself?"

lmao, for realz

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all of your comments. Thank you to you Stephanie, I really like what you had to say. You are from Houston? I am from Austin. Cool!